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Leadership Development
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Leadership Assessment
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You can only select one answer and cannot change it. Therefore, be sure to select your best initial response.
When it comes to problem solving, your first thought is…
A. Gather relevant data and create a plan.
B. Pull the team together.
C. Communicate with those who are impacted and act quickly.
D. I’ve got this and I’ll take care of it.
In your team meetings, your favorite part is sharing…
A. Facts, data, insights, analytics, numbers and ideas.
B. The outcomes and accomplishments.
C. An inspiring story that builds engagement on the team.
D. Gratitude and recognition for team members.
When growing and developing your individual team members, your first instinct is to...
A. Continually help increase their job performance.
B. Ensure they have access to the right connections and mentors.
C. Co-create a personal development plan.
D. Foster their passion and purpose with high visibility initiatives.
When it comes to communication, what’s most important is…
A. Being confident, courageous and inspiring.
B. Getting it done. Having timely conversations, even if confrontational.
C. Building rapport and listening attentively and empathetically.
D. Planning and thinking it through first.
Which of these phrases best describes your leadership style?
A. Let’s do what we say we are going to do and do it right the first time.
B. Take charge. Strive for excellence. Make an impact.
C. Proper planning and accurate information prevent poor performance.
D. Teamwork makes the dream work. - John C. Maxwell
Which one of these gives you the most satisfaction?
A. major compliment from your boss about a recent win.
B. Successfully completing a huge project.
C. Seeing the solution and a way forward before anyone else.
D. A big win for the team followed by a celebration that includes everyone.
Which of the following most closely reflects your thinking when it comes to achieving goals?
A. Put the right people in the right seats.
B. Good, better, best. Never let it rest, till good is better and better is best.
C. A plan, SMART goals, and milestones are the guide posts that get us there.
D. Pick a lane. Stay the course and get it done.
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