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Who am I when the going gets rough, when uncertainty feels overwhelming, when the economy falls apart and there is political unrest almost everywhere.  Well, here’s what I know, if I am truly in service to others and my orientation is to the “we” or the “all” then I continue forward because, by being in service, I am immune to chaos.  It’s a calling to a vision that supersedes uncertainty. In fact, in the midst of the storm, others will cling to those who are firmly rooted in serving.  This is your role as a leader.  So today, ask yourself, how can I serve?  How can I live from conviction and with perseverance when everything else around me is swirling out of control?  Now is not the time to run or hide or forsake your dreams. It’s a time to stand together in support of a better world for you, your families, your teams, your organizations, and everyone around you.  All you leaders are being called right now to be bold and courageous for the world.  Take 3 minutes today to ask yourself how are you in service to everyone you come in contact with? This is the conversation of extraordinary leaders.

Sara Harvey

Founder & President, innertelligence

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