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Recently, I was approached by an HR leader who was concerned about a team within their organization. The team was struggling with communication and cohesion, which led to siloed work, misunderstandings, and a lack of trust among members. The HR leader was worried about the impact on retention, productivity and morale and asked for my help in turning things around.


Initial Assessment:

I began by conducting a thorough assessment of the team’s dynamics. I observed their meetings, spoke with team members individually, and analyzed their communication patterns. I also had team members complete a Gallup CliftonStrengths assessment so they could better match talents to tasks and appreciate differences in work styles. It quickly became clear that the main barriers to their success were a lack of trust and ineffective communication.

Framework Introduction:

To address these issues, I introduced the team to Patrick Lencioni’s model from The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. This model provided a structured way to identify and tackle the root causes of their challenges. We focused on the importance of building trust, engaging in healthy conflict, and committing to collective decisions. We explored how their strengths can be applied to build trust and improve communication as outlined in the book Strengths Based Leadership by Tom Rath.

Coaching and Training:

I facilitated a series of workshops and small group coaching sessions tailored to the specific dysfunctions we had identified. These sessions included:

  • Trust-Building Exercises: The exercises were designed to encourage vulnerability and openness, helping team members feel safer and more comfortable with honest communication.
  • Role-Playing Scenarios: These allowed team members to practice giving and receiving constructive strengths-based feedback, a crucial skill for resolving conflicts and improving collaboration.
  • Strategic Communication Training: I shared techniques to enhance clarity and effectiveness in their communication through practices such as empathetic listening, curious inquiry and accurately setting context and recapping conversations.

Tools and Strategies:

To help the team manage their time and focus on priority tasks, I introduced them to Stephen Covey’s Time Management Matrix and set goals to increase time spent on planning and strategy while decreasing time spent on urgent last-minute tasks. 


Improved Communication: 

The team saw a significant improvement in open and honest communication. Members became more comfortable sharing their thoughts and concerns, leading to better decision-making and fewer misunderstandings. By understanding the different communication styles on the team that were being influenced by their strengths, we saw frustrations turn to appreciation and respect.

Increased Cohesion: 

By addressing the trust and communication issues, the team broke down silos and started working more collaboratively. This shift fostered a stronger sense of unity and shared purpose. Team members breathed a sigh of relief when they came to realize that as individuals they don’t have to be great at everything. Instead, greatness comes from teams with diverse talents who are actively converting those talents into powerful strengths.  They now know they need each other for team excellence.

Enhanced Productivity: 

With a focus on prioritizing tasks and reducing unproductive meeting time, the team’s efficiency increased. They completed projects more effectively, with less time wasted on miscommunication or redundant efforts.

Next Steps for HR Leaders:

If any teams in your organization are facing similar challenges, consider how a structured group coaching and team training program could help. By addressing underlying dysfunctions and fostering open communication, you can significantly enhance your team’s performance and overall satisfaction. Let’s work together along with the team leader to create the change you want to see.

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Sara Harvey

Founder & President, innertelligence

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